projects (2014-2019)
Country involvement in EDCTP projects
*Cross-cutting activities not related to a particular intervention.
Participating States’ Initiated Activities (PSIAs) are the main mechanism for PSs to make in-kind contributions and comprise activities in the scope of EDCTP2 that are funded and implemented independently from EDCTP by one or more PSs. PSIAs count towards the matching of funds by the European Commission (up to a maximum ceiling of € 683 million), provided they are included in the EDCTP2 annual work plans and are co-labelled as being part of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union. PSIAs are important because they provide an overview of activities that the PSs fund on poverty-related diseases, hence promoting research collaboration in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa.
All Participating States in the second EDCTP programme (EDCTP2) are members of the EDCTP Association General Assembly (GA), which is EDCTP’s ultimate decision-making body. Each member has an equal voting right in the GA and is represented by nominated delegates from the government ministry and/or its mandated institution(s). EDCTP Association members commit to a minimum contribution of € 200,000 per year (cash, in-kind or a combination) to activities within the scope of the EDCTP2 programme.
Representative entity
Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology